Category Gardening

Herb gardens

Herb gardens are a great addition to any backyard or outdoor space, as they provide a source of fresh herbs that can be used to add flavor & nutrition to a wide variety of dishes. In addition to their practical…

Edible gardens

Edible gardens, also known as kitchen gardens or vegetable gardens, are a type of garden that is specifically designed & maintained for the purpose of growing food crops. These gardens can be found in a variety of settings, including backyard…

Garden Design

Garden design is the art & science of creating functional & aesthetically pleasing outdoor spaces. Whether you have a small patio or a large backyard, garden design can help you make the most of your outdoor space & create a…


Composting is the process of breaking down organic matter, like food scraps & yard waste, into a rich, nutrient-dense soil amendment known as compost. Composting is an eco-friendly way to reduce waste, improve soil health & reduce the need for…

Vegetable Seeds

From Seed to Supper: The Joys of Starting Own Vegetables Dreaming of biting into a juicy, homegrown tomato or savoring the sweetness of freshly picked peas? Look no further than vegetable seeds! They’re the perfect way to kickstart your gardening…

Native Plants

If you’re a gardener who is looking to support local ecosystems and promote biodiversity, you may be interested in planting native plants. Native plants are those that are native to a specific region or habitat and have evolved over time…

Sustainable Gardening

If you’re a gardener who is looking to make a positive impact on the environment, you may be interested in trying sustainable gardening techniques. Sustainable gardening is a method of growing plants that is mindful of the environment and works…