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Category Wildflower Basics

Overview of Wildflower


Wildflowers are a diverse group of plants that can be found growing in a variety of habitats throughout the world. They are a valuable part of our natural world, providing an important food source for pollinators, providing habitat for wildlife,…

Preserving Wildflowers

Preserving wildflowers is a great way to bring a bit of nature indoors and enjoy it for years to come. There are two main methods for preserving wildflowers—pressing and drying. Pressing wildflowers is a great way to keep the integrity…

Cultivating Wildflowers

Cultivating wildflowers

Cultivating wildflowers is a great way to bring a bit of nature into your own backyard. Wildflowers are typically easy to grow and maintain, making them a great choice for beginner gardeners. With a bit of preparation and patience, you…

Wildflower Basics Intro

Wildflowers are plants that grow in natural, undisturbed areas and are not cultivated. They are often associated with meadows, but can also be found in forests, deserts, and other natural habitats. Wildflowers are important for the environment, providing food and…

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