Dwarf Wildflower Seeds: Low Growing Wildflowers


  • Dwarf Wildflower Seeds: Attract bees, butterflies, and other pollinators with this easy-to-grow mix.
  • Colorful Wildflower Mix: Add a splash of color to your garden with this diverse mix of dwarf wildflowers.
  • Perfect for Pollinators: This wildflower mix attracts bees, butterflies, and other pollinators, helping to support our ecosystem.
  • Easy to Grow: Simply sow the seeds in any soil type and enjoy the blooms in summer.
  • Perennial Mix: This mix of dwarf wildflowers will flower every year, providing you with years of enjoyment.
  • Low Maintenance: Simply cut back the plants at the end of summer for easy upkeep.
SKU: UK-70000 Category:

Dwarf Wildflower Seeds

Order now and start your garden with our 100% pure dwarf wildflower seeds!

This diverse mix of dwarf wildflowers is perfect for adding a splash of color and interest to your garden, cottage, or balcony. The seeds are easy to sow and can be planted in any soil type. The flowers will bloom in summer from a spring sowing or the following spring from an autumn sowing.

low growing wildflowers for lawns:

Attract bees, butterflies, and other pollinators Easy to grow Suitable for all soil types The perennial mix will flower every year Low maintenance Non-GMO, neonicotinoid-free, and guaranteed to grow Imagine a garden bursting with vibrant wildflowers, attracting bees, butterflies, and other pollinators. With our dwarf wildflower seeds, you can create this oasis in your own backyard.

Dwarf Wildflower Seeds: Perfect for UK Gardens, Balconies & Schools

Vibrant Diversity: Our diverse mix of dwarf wildflowers adds a breathtaking splash of color and interest to your garden, cottage, or balcony.

Effortless Growth: These seeds are not only beautiful but also easy to sow, making them perfect for both seasoned gardeners and newcomers.

Flowering Lawn Seed Mix

Adaptable Soil: Whether you have sandy, loamy, or clay soil, our seeds thrive in all soil types.

Year-Round Beauty: This perennial mix guarantees a fresh bloom every year, transforming your space into a perennial paradise with minimal maintenance.

Eco-Friendly: Our seeds are non-GMO, neonicotinoid-free, and guaranteed to grow, ensuring a safe haven for both you and nature.

Our dwarf wildflower seeds are highly rated by customers on Amazon. One customer said, “These seeds were so easy to grow and produced a beautiful display of wildflowers in my garden. I highly recommend them to anyone looking to add a splash of color and attract pollinators.”

Order now and transform your space into a vibrant habitat for nature!


10g, 50g, 100 g, 250 g, 500 g, 1 kg, 2Kg, 3Kg, 5Kg, 10Kg