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Vermicomposting: A Green Method to Cut Waste

Vermicomposting uses worms to break down plant matter and make rich compost. It helps cut waste, makes soil better and reduces the need for chemical fertilizers. It’s simple to start and run & works in any size from small indoor boxes to big outdoor setups.

Starting Your Worm Bin

You’ll need a box, worms and plant materials to start.

Picking a Box You can use plastic bins, wooden boxes or old drawers. Pick the size based on your needs and space.

Getting Worms Use red worms or red wrigglers, which you can buy online or at bait shops. These worms work well because they quickly break down plant matter and can live in many temperatures.

vermicomposting worms

Adding Materials Mix in food scraps, coffee grounds & yard scraps. Don’t add meat, dairy or oils, as these can bring pests and bad smells.

Running Your Worm Bin After setup, add your worms and materials. Keep the compost damp and aired out. Add water when needed and mix it to give worms air.

Using Your Compost As worms work, they make compost full of good nutrients and helpful tiny life forms. Every few months, take out the worms and compost, sort them with a screen, put the worms back & use the compost in gardens, flower beds or with house plants.

Why Try It Vermicomposting helps cut waste while making good plant food. Try it to help your yard and local area.

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