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100g Wildflower Meadow Seeds – Annual Mix for Butterflies, Bees & Birds
- More than 20 Mix seeds flower, Our Perennial is a mix of flowers that once planted and established, come back year after year. Perennials find their home in meadows, garden beds, in combination with annuals and bulbs, and as a dependable accent in both manicured and free-form borders.
- Some British native seeds, * Most soils types some sun * Plant Height Up to 30 cm to 1 metres * The annual will flower in the first year. Then the perennials will come back from year two year after year *
- Organic flower seeds,
- Our range of habitat seed mixtures contain purely wildflower seeds, created with nature in mind. Species are selected to provide a wide range of food and shelter for hosting a whole range of wildlife, including butterflies, bees, and birds. Choose from our huge range below to create bright and beautiful meadows and border displays, all created using the finest quality wildflower seeds, grown and harvested right here in the UK.
- Sowing Rate: 3 grams per sq/m – 1kg covers 330sq/m
100g Wildflower Meadow Mix for Butterflies, Bees, and Birds— Pure Wild Flower Meadow Seeds
Wildflower Mixes Range of Habitat Seed mixtures
Purely annual seeds, butterflies, bees, and Birds
Some British Native Seeds
Flower 100g
20 Mixture seeds
Clover-white flowers
Clover Red: pinkish red flowers
Cornflower: blue, purple, pink, red or white flowers
Sainfoin: pink flowers
Borage: blue or pink flowers
Trefoil: pink or white flowers
Agrimony – Yellow flowers
Black Medick – Yellow flowers
Wild Carrot – White flowers
Common Poppy – Red, orange, pink or white flowers
Linseed – Light blue flowers
Phacelia – Lavender, light purple, blue or white flowers
Chicory – Light blue flowers
Sheep’s Parsley – White flowers
Crimson Clover – Bright red flowers
Persian Clover – Pink or magenta flowers
Common Soapwort – Pink or white flowers
Sheep’s Sorrel – Greenish white flowers
Calendula mix: orange flowers and Yellow
Blue and Yellow Lupine
Safflower Yellow
More than 20 Mix seeds flower
Our perennial is a mix of flowers that, once planted and established, come back year after year. Perennials find their home in meadows and garden beds, in combination with annuals and bulbs, and as a dependable accent in both manicured and free-form borders.
Some British native seeds, Most soils types some sun Plant Height: Up to 30 cm to 1 meter The annual will flower in the first year. Then the perennials will come back year after year
Organic flower seeds
Our range of habitat seed mixtures contain purely wildflower seeds, created with nature in mind. Species are selected to provide a wide range of food and shelter for a whole range of wildlife, including butterflies, bees, and birds. Choose from our huge range below to create bright and beautiful meadows and border displays, all created using the finest quality wildflower seeds, grown and harvested right here in the UK.
Sowing Rate: 3 grams per sq/m – 1kg covers 330sq/m
100g Wildflower Seeds Product Description
This wildflower mix is a great way to attract a variety of wildlife to your garden, including butterflies, bees, and birds. It contains a mix of both annual and perennial wildflowers, so you can enjoy blooms for years to come.
The annuals in this mix will flower in the first year, while the perennials will come back year after year. The mix also includes some British native wildflowers, which are particularly beneficial for wildlife.
This wildflower mix is easy to grow and can be sown in most soil types. It prefers a sunny spot, but will also tolerate some shade. The plants will grow to a height of up to 1 metre.
To sow, simply scatter the seeds over the prepared soil and rake them in lightly. Water well and keep the soil moist until the seeds germinate.
Once the seedlings have emerged, thin them out so that they are spaced around 15cm apart. This will give the plants plenty of room to grow and flower.
This wildflower mix is a great way to add colour and interest to your garden, while also benefiting the environment. It is a low-maintenance option that will provide years of enjoyment.
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