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These gorgeous flowers will add some colour to your flower beds and containers! Warmer conditions are preferred by the perennial calendula pot marigold. In flower beds, flower borders, or beautiful containers, Calendula Pot Marigolds are frequently cultivated as annuals even though they are normally short-lived perennials.
Calendula Pot Marigolds are related to marigolds, chrysanthemums, and daisies. They have a distinctive daisy-like appearance, but their colours are a striking vivid orange.
It’s important to note that the calendula pot marigold, which attracts bees, butterflies, and other pollinating insects, is grown without the use of artificial fertilisers or pesticides. Our soil and the ecology have benefited greatly from the method used to cultivate. The Calendula Pot Marigold’s blossoms can be applied to salads or grains to add colour. blossoming from June to July and reaching a 45-cm (18-inch) height. Or try the flowers in a salad, for that matter. Scoop them up early for optimal flavour!
Growing Tipps: Calendula Officinalis Seeds
Calendula Plant Growing marigolds from seed is quite simple. Plant them in well-drained, nutritious garden soil in a sunny spot. In the spring, you can sow calendula seeds right before the last frost.
Pinch back any young plants to encourage a more compact and healthy plant. This will prevent plants from becoming lanky once they have established themselves and promote bushy growth. Water frequently, especially throughout the hottest parts of the season, and deadhead frequently to promote the blooming of new flowers.
Sowing Methods
Calendula Plant Growing marigolds from seed is quite simple. Plant them in well-drained, nutritious garden soil in a sunny spot. In the spring, you can sow calendula seeds right before the last frost. Pinch back any young plants to encourage a more compact and healthy plant.
This will prevent plants from becoming lanky once they have established themselves and promote bushy growth. Water frequently, especially throughout the hottest parts of the season, and deadhead frequently to promote the blooming of new flowers.
5g, 10g, 50g, 100g, 250g, 500g, 1Kg
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